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High-per­for­mance sur­face pro­tec­tion for fas­ten­ers in the con­struc­tion sec­tor

Solar or photovoltaic units are growing steadily in popularity – the large sheets can already be seen on many buildings. However, it should not be forgotten that not only the panels but also the fasteners that secure them are exposed to various climatic conditions day after day. Component-specific corrosion protection is therefore all the more important.

Evo­lu­tion of cor­ro­sion test­ing

Day after day, corrosion impacts components in and on cars, wind energy units or bridges. Having a surface coating tailored to the requirements is therefore all the more important. To simulate the stresses on parts fitted, prior to construction a series of tests are carried out to put the components and their protective coatings through their paces.

Se­curely fas­tened

Rail clamps, bolts and nuts installed in rail systems are permanently subjected to maximum stress levels in daily railway operations. Failure of these safety-relevant parts can have grave consequences, which is why each individual component should be equipped with effective surface protection. Zinc flake systems have proved to be long-lasting and economical solutions here.

Pin-sharp coat­ing

Coating of industrial components is a common yet complex procedure.Depending on the situation, selecting the best equipment for the application is critical. Global equipment manufacturer WALTHER PILOT has collaborated with material manufacturer Dörken to develop an optimized process enabling the coating of parts with extreme accuracy and without the need for masking.

Cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion at the heart of the wind en­ergy unit

A brit­tle topic

Functional components of trucks and trailers are constantly subjected to differing levels of stress: stone impact, dirt, frost, high operating temperatures or mechanical and dynamic influences. It is therefore all the more fatal if these components fail - for example due to hydrogen embrittlement.

How to make hot-dip gal­vanised bolt sets even bet­ter

Screwed fasteners are one of the most important components in wind energy units, bridges and steel construction. Alongside diverse factors such as material and tools, varying weather conditions also have an important influence on coefficients of friction and therefore the screwed fastening as a whole.

Ef­fec­tive rust pro­tec­tion from the can for Tri­umph Spit­fire parts

Classic cars are enjoying ever-greater popularity - and not just with dyed-in-the wool enthusiasts. Recent years have seen a boom in the number of classic cars on the roads of Germany. Regular care and maintenance are key to preserving the value and function of the historical treasures. This is also confirmed by Peter Messing. For the extensive repair work to his 1974 Triumph Spitfire the classic car fan turns to an innovative rust protection system – a room temperature curing zinc flake coating from the spray can, which recently became available for industrial applications.

Zinc flake against rust - High-per­for­mance sur­face pro­tec­tion for con­crete screws

Concrete screws are employed wherever specific components need to be secured in a concrete base. Outdoors in particular, they are exposed to a wide range of stresses and environmental influences. In the case of especially high corrosion protection requirements, the coating of the concrete screws with a tailored zinc flake system is a wise choice.

Zinc flake: Re­newed ap­proval is­sued for GMW 14083!

A DÖRKEN zinc flake system has once again been approved by General Motors for the GMW 14083 specification. The spring band clamps fitted in the manufacturer’s vehicles will thus continue to have effective long-term protection from corrosion.

Cor­ro­sion test­ing - a com­par­i­son

Zinc flake sys­tems pro­tec­ts off­shore struc­tures

2018 saw the updating and supplementation of DIN EN ISO 12944 for steel structures. In part 9 of the standard the corrosivity category “CX” was introduced for coatings in offshore use.

MAN 183-3: New zinc flake sys­tem ap­proved!

The MAN specification 183-3 has recently been extended to include a black surface coating. In the scope of this a further zinc flake coating from DÖRKEN Coatings has been added to a new section of the standard.

Out­door weath­er­ing study on He­ligoland com­pleted

n 2017 Dörken began an outdoor weathering study on Heligoland in collaboration with the Material Testing Laboratory (MPA) of the University of Stuttgart. The goal of the large-scale study was to characterise the corrosion protection performance of different coating systems and generate joint know-how.

How to make hot-dip gal­vanised bolt sets even bet­ter

Screwed fasteners are one of the most important components in wind energy units, bridges and steel construction. Alongside diverse factors such as material and tools, varying weather conditions also have an important influence on coefficients of friction and therefore the screwed fastening as a whole.

MAN 183-3: New zinc flake sys­tem ap­proved!

The MAN specification 183-3 has recently been extended to include a black surface coating. In the scope of this a further zinc flake coating from DÖRKEN Coatings has been added to a new section of the standard.