Construction paints and varnishes Solvend-based CWS WERTLACK® METALLUX 3IN1

Thick-film, solvent-based, high-viscosity 1-component coating material for decorative corrosion protection with direct adhesion for indoor and outdoor use. For the silk-gloss coating of structures made from steel, galvanised steel and aluminium in rural, urban, industrial and coastal atmospheres. For the coating of hall structures, pipes, bridges, roofs, lattice towers, containers and wall and ceiling claddings. Also suitable for overhauling old coatings such as coil-coated sheet metals and for coating rigid PVC.


  • Solvent-based one-pot thick coating with direct adhesion on countless metal substrates (see below)
  • One-pot system: base, intermediate and final coat in one
  • High corrosion protection through good substrate wetting and low porosity of the paint
  • Effective barrier function due to scale-shaped fillers
  • High opacity and reliable edge cover – especially on profiled parts
  • Permanent coating elasticity for high weather resistance and long-term protection
  • Non-sticky and touch-dry after approx. 4-5 hours
  • Needs-based setting for all application processes: Painting, rolling, airless and electrostatic spraying
  • VOC-compliant coating material
  • Large choice of 10,000 shades using MixPlus (RAL, RAL-Design, NCS, DB colours DB 701/ DB 702 / DB 703 etc.)

Caractéristiques techniques

Produktcode BSL50 Beschichtungsstoffe, stark lösemittelbasiert, aromatenhaltig, gekennzeichnet
Verbrauch 180.0 ml/m²
Farbtöne Weiß / Alle DB-Farbtöne / ca. RAL 9006 Weiß-Aluminium / ca. RAL 9007 Grau-Aluminium
Gebindegroessen Ready 0,375 L / 0,75 L / 2,5 L


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