
We Bear Responsibility for People and Nature

DÖRKEN protects value. As a family-run company with over 1,000 employees, we not only apply our principles to our high-quality solutions, we also bear responsibility for people, society and the environment. With targeted quality and safety measures at all levels - every day.

Sustainability Our Environment is Our Greatest Asset

DÖRKEN develops products and services that enrich our modern world with long-lasting benefits. Our products and services repeatedly set new standards of the highest technological level and fulfil customer requirements down to the smallest detail.

The industrial progress is not the only thing that counts today. It is essential that sustainability aspects such as protection of the environment and resources are also taken into account. The DÖRKEN companies are pioneers in this respect and have long focused on the fulfilment and exceeding of all statutory requirements in production, storage and disposal. 

Perfected Developments

The DÖRKEN companies offer products and services that make a difference. To achieve this, all new developments pass through sophisticated processes, at the end of which is comprehensive testing. With us, the effects of every new activity, each new product or procedure is put on the test bench. 

Only when we are completely convinced of the benefits and environmental friendliness of a product does it make its way to the customer. Future-capable products need to be two things for us: useful and sustainable!

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Certified According to EMAS

The DÖRKEN companies participate voluntarily in the EMAS eco audit and are regularly certified according to its strict criteria. The seal of quality of the European Union is the world’s most discerning system for sustainable environmental management and challenges companies to continuously improve their environmental performance.

The business areas of DÖRKEN consistently set themselves ambitious goals in the scope of EMAS and report on their achievement in the annual EMAS environmental statement, which is validated by a state-supervised, independent environmental assessor.

The use of laminated construction sheets has become an essential part of professional building construction. Modern, technically perfected sheets protect buildings, allow them to “breathe” and reduce their energy consumption.

Ingo Quent Dörken GmbH & Co. KG, CEO

Safety High Standards and a Precise Observance

“Safety is paramount! – this is the motto at each of our production sites. We use high technical standards to protect our production facilities and our environment. To achieve this, we use, amongst others: gas warning systems, temperature and pressure warning systems, flame traps, fire alarm systems and a drainage system that can be uncoupled from the public grid if necessary.

In addition to the purely technical measures, we also think further: we invest continuously in safe and environmentally friendly further developments and regularly train our employees in safety aspects. Consequently, observing all industrial health and safety and fire protection regulations is self-evident for every employee. In addition, all third-party firms that we assign also need to adhere to our high standards and we check their compliance carefully.

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We Are Prepared

Thanks to our safety precautions and our internal quality and safety management, the likelihood of a malfunction impacting the environment is very low. As a company that works with chemical substances, we are nonetheless unable to guarantee one hundred percent safety.

For this reason, we have drawn up an internal and external emergency management system that works closely with the local fire service to specify suitable measures for dealing with malfunctions and limit their impact in the event of an incident. With our works emergency service and the works crisis team we can join with the authorities in tackling possible incidents in a professional manner and averting the impact on people and the environment as best possible.

Certification We Have Ambitious Goals

The use of our quality management system is good for our company, for our employees and for our environment. To meet the goals set by both the authorities and ourselves we work with a system at DÖRKEN that combines and unites specifications regarding quality, safety, environmental protection and fire protection.

By observing strict requirements and consistently setting ambitious goals we have been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and 14001 for decades. In addition, all DÖRKEN companies voluntarily participate in the EMAS eco audit, thereby committing themselves to the continuous further development of company environmental protection, including beyond the statutory requirements.

Compliance Clean, Fair, Transparent

More than just law-abiding

Compliance plays a big role at DÖRKEN and signifies far more than abiding by the law. We embody our values in our daily work, extending beyond a mere written code of conduct. Because theoretical compliance is no use to anyone – it is the practice that is important!

Compliance as a matter of course 

In the DÖRKEN companies we embody our values. Not only do we make sure that our employees adhere to guidelines, we also involve them in developing and expanding upon these. And offer designated contacts for all issues concerning fair and friendly interaction.

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