Always There for You

You can reach us at any time – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

+01 517 522 4600 or

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Direct Contact

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We look forward to hearing from you.

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DÖRKEN Coatings

Grass Lake Technical Center
T + 01 517 522 4600

Dealers and Coaters

Are you looking for a DÖRKEN dealer or coater near you? Simply select your desired business area and go directly to the zip code search.

International Contacts

You can find us worldwide! Select your desired business area and get an overview of our international subsidiaries and sales partners.

For Visitors

Welcome to DÖRKEN Coatings North America! You can reach our office in Grass Lake, MI, USA by car via I-94 Exit 150 (Mt. Hope Road).

The address is: 11200 Cedar Knoll Drive, PO Box 429, Grass Lake, MI 49240

Code of Conduct

The DÖRKEN Code of Conduct creates a common understanding for legally compliant and ethically correct behavior in our company.

In our reporting system you can quickly and easily report concerns about actual or suspected misconduct that can affect our company or the wellbeing of people.