Wood protection DELTA® HYDROLASUR 5.10

DELTA® Hydrolasur 5.10 is a water-dilutable thin-film glaze for wooden parts with little or no dimensional stability outdoors and indoors on wood substrates such as panelling, timber frames or as an aqueous priming stain.

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    DELTA® Hydrolasur 5.10


  • Water-dilutable wood glaze
  • biocide-free
  • A wide range of real wood colours
  • For wooden parts with limited or no dimensional stability
  • Panelling, timber frames or as an aqueous priming stain
  • No film = no tearing or flaking
  • One-pot system: Primer, intermediate and final coating
  • Sprayable in colour ‘lightcare’ for internal areas

Technical data

Produktcode BSW30 Beschichtungsstoffe, wasserbasiert, lösemittelhaltig
Verbrauch 70 - 150 ml/m²
Farbtöne 0000 Farblos / 1005 Lightcare-Hell / 1105 Weiß / 2335 Pinie / Kiefer / 2360 Douglasie / 2370 Ahorn / 2380 Lärche / 3180 Schwedenrot / 5449 Taubenblau / 6486 Tannengrün / 6570 Eiche Hell / 7355 Firngrau / 7360 Alpingrau / 7365 Vulcanograu / 7370 Azurrograu / 7371 Terragrau / 7375 Anticgrau / 7380 Quarzgrau / 8170 Walnuss / 8220 Afrormosia / 8260 Eiche Antik / 8270 Nussbaum / 8285 Mahagonie / 8320 Teak / 8450 Palisander / 9995 Ebenholz / 2.2 Taupe / 6.2 Grafit
Gebindegroessen Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L / 5 L / 20 L


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Do you have further questions about product features, applications or availability, the status of your order or would you like to contact the DÖRKEN color Service?

We are happy to help you! Contact our service phone at +49 2330 63 243 or send us an email at coatings@doerken.de.