Construction paints and varnishes Solvend-based DELTA® METALLSCHUTZ PLUS SG

Thick-film, solvent-based, high-viscosity 1-component coating material for decorative corrosion protection with direct adhesion for indoor and outdoor use. For the silk-gloss coating of structures made from steel, galvanised steel and aluminium in rural, urban, industrial and coastal atmospheres. For the coating of hall structures, pipes, bridges, roofs, lattice towers, containers and wall and ceiling claddings. Also suitable for overhauling old coatings such as coil-coated sheet metals and for coating rigid PVC.

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    DELTA® Metallschutz Plus SG


  • VOC-compliant coating material
  • to be applied in thick layers
  • reliable edge covering on profiled components
  • high corrosion protection
  • high opacity
  • high weather resistance
  • effective barrier function due to scale-shaped fillers
  • Direct adhesion on galvanising, copper, aluminium and rigid PVC
  • Base, intermediate and final coat

Technical data

Produktcode BSL50 Beschichtungsstoffe, stark lösemittelbasiert, aromatenhaltig, gekennzeichnet
Verbrauch 180.0 ml/m²
Farbtöne Weiß / RAL 9006 Weißaluminium / RAL 9007 Graualuminium / DB 701 / DB 702 / DB 703
Gebindegroessen Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L / 10 L
Gebindegroessen Mix 1,0 L / 2,5 L / 10 L


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Do you have further questions about product features, applications or availability, the status of your order or would you like to contact the DÖRKEN color Service?

We are happy to help you! Contact our service phone at +49 2330 63 243 or send us an email at