X-ray flu­o­res­cence analy­sis

X-ray fluorescence analysis in accordance with DIN ISO 3497 enables the contact-free and therefore non-destructive measurement of metallic coatings on polymer materials or on metallic base metal.

The procedure can also be used to measure very small structures precisely and with a very high repetition accuracy. The thickness of multiple coats on top of each other can also be reliably determined using this method. How does X-ray fluorescence analysis work? In the X-ray fluorescence analysis procedure the atoms in the work piece that is to be tested are stimulated via primary X-ray radiation. This releases electrons in the inner shell of the atoms. The process results in gaps, which are then filled by electrons from the atom shells located further away. The transition of the atoms results in a characteristic fluorescence radiation. This is recorded by a special detector and subsequently used to determine the exact thickness of the applied coat.

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