
FR Roof systems for new buildings

When it comes to building a new house, the roof is one of the essential components. Because of its exposition to strong weather conditions, the rooms positioned underneath must be optimally and permanently protected. To meet these high expectations and requirements, we offer tailor-made DELTA® roof systems for new buildings, enabling solutions for efficient and energetically future-proof, sloping roof structures in various ways. In combination with the DELTA® system accessories, you will get a perfectly coordinated system for your new building. In the following you will find various insulation solutions (between-rafter insulation and/or on-roof insulation) and different substrates (rafters or formwork):

Pure between-rafter insulation

The traditional insulation method between the rafters is always used when it comes to the functional use of the space between the rafters. The advantage is that the roof is structurally not so high, which is desirable from an architectonic point of view or with a view of the neighbouring buildings.

In case of a roof without hard sheathing

When it comes to the between-rafter insulation, only the spaces between the rafters are insulated. In this context, it is advisable to attach a roofing membrane directly from the outside to the thermal insulation and above the rafters. This membrane is appropriate as underlay membrane as well and offers protection against moisture to the thermal insulation from the outside. On the inside part of the roof, i.e. on the room side, an air and vapour barrier is installed directly on the thermal insulation and on the underside of the rafters so to offer protection to the thermal insulation from moisture penetration by water vapour escaping from the room air.

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ocieplenie nakrokwiowe

In case of a roof with hard sheathing

In this context, the hard sheathing is attached directly to the insulation positioned between the rafters and their top. Hard sheathings are flat components, mostly made of solid wood. They are mainly used as a base for sub-roofs or under-roofing. On the one hand, they help to meet the high and still increasing legal requirements for thermal insulation, and on the other hand, they offer additional protection for the roof structure, in particular for its thermal insulation. After that, a roofing membrane is laid directly on the hard sheathing. This ensures that the thermal insulation remains permanently dry from the outside. Just like a roof without hard sheathing, an air and vapour barrier will be installed on the underside of the rafters on the room side so to offer the ideal protection for the thermal insulation from the inside from room humidity.

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DELTA®-FOXX PLUS in der Anwendung

Over-rafter & between-rafter insulation

Ideal if the insulation method is not able to achieve the desired insulation thickness levels. The combination improves the thermal insulation values of the between-rafter insulation by also enabling slim roof constructions.

In case of a roof without hard sheathing

The combined over-rafter and between-rafter insulation is used when the first insulation level between the rafters does not suffice to achieve the desired insulation values. In this case, an additional insulation layer, the so-called over-rafter insulation, will be laid on the rafters. Together with the traditional insulation reaching a thickness of 140 mm between the rafters, this results in an insulation thickness meeting the high legal requirements when it comes to the long-term thermal insulation. In this case, this can already be achieved with thin on-roof insulation panels so to maintain a relatively low roof structure. This optimised insulation helps to save expensive heating energy during the winter months while in summer it offers a high level of summer heat protection as well as extremely effective noise protection. An air and vapour barrier is applied to the roof inside on the underside of the rafters in order to protect the thermal insulation from room humidity.

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DELTA®-MAXX POLAR SP in der Anwendung

Pure on-roof insulation

This insulation is useful in case the rafter height does not suffice to offer an energetically effective insulation. In this context, the insulation material is installed on the rafters. The advantage of this method is that it permits a seamless insulation layer.

In case of a roof without hard sheathing

With the pure over-rafter insulation, the whole insulation surface is installed over the rafters from the outside, even without considering possible spaces between the single rafters. If the roof is not equipped with a hard sheathing, an air and vapour barrier is first attached to the top of the rafters. The individual on-roof insulation components made of high-performance insulation materials will be positioned directly on top of it. The full-surface installation eliminates thermal bridges in the area of the rafters. In addition, the height of the rafter must just be dimensioned according to static requirements.

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DELTA®-MAXX POLAR AL in der Anwendung

In case of a roof with hard sheathing

With the pure above-rafter insulation, the insulation will be laid over the whole surface of the rafters. The evenly thick, homogeneous insulation layer positioned over the rafters prevents thermal bridges. Consequently, your roof will be provided with seamless thermal, heat and sound insulation. A positive side effect is that the rafters only have to meet structural requirements. A roof equipped with hard sheathing can represent a real advantage if you want to make heavily structured roof areas windproof from the outside. In this context, a roofing membrane with the necessary vapour barrier layer will be laid on the top of the hard sheathing. After that, the individual on-roof insulation components made of high-performance insulation materials are positioned directly on top.

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