On November 15, 2021, during the ASTM F16.03 meeting, a standing task group was formed that will be the Technical Advisory Group SC-14, or TAG, to the International Standards Organization (ISO). This committee is responsible for the ISO activities for coatings in the United States and has named Mr. Albert Gelles, Doerken Coatings North America, as the Secretary of the newly formed TAG.
ASTM, or American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services. Doerken Coatings North America has been involved in the ASTM F16 committee that handles the standards for fasteners and within the subcommittee ASTM F16.03 which is specific to coatings on fasteners. This newly formed TAG SC-14 is known as a mirror committee for the ISO Coatings Standards Activities.
Why is ASTM now taking this responsibility?
TAG SC-14 had been previously managed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and in 2020 after review of the committee it was decided that the TAG SC-14 did not fall into their scope of activities and was removed from their responsibilities and became inactive. This decision resulted in the US not having any participation in ISO coatings related standards activities. Thanks to the Industrial Fastener Institute (IFI) for their gracious sponsorship, the TAG SC-14 was reinstated and moved under the management of the ASTM.
The next step is to formulate the bylaws and operation procedures which is expected to be formalized in February of 2022 leading to the task group being official within ASTM in the May 2022 meeting period. Doerken currently has representation within the ISO through our colleagues in Germany and this additional representation gives us a voice for the United States which is something we have not had before. Our voice and representation goes beyond just Doerken Coatings North American and now includes our customers and applicators. We strongly encourage those of you that have any concerns or questions regarding ISO 10683, Coating Specifications for Zinc Flake Coatings, to reach out to us. Our representation within this committee gives us all a chance to bring any matters on what our position can be on these coating standards.
Together, we have the ability to shape and mold any future revisions and developments within ISO 10683.