
The coating of small parts (bulk material) often takes place in a dip-spin process. The basket or submerged drum is the most important tool.

The bulk material is loaded into the basket. The amount depends on the shape of the parts and the bulk density of the component determines the capacity in the basket. Then the basket is immersed in the dip tank. The paint wets the entire surface of the parts. A mechanical movement by slowly rotating the basket improves the wetting process by removing bubbles and changing the contact surfaces. After the dipping process, the basket is lifted out of the dipping bath and quickly turned or centrifuged, so that the coated parts are thrown against the outer wall of the basket. The centrifugal force drips the excess paint through the holes of the basket back into the dip tank. The process of dip-spinning is influenced by several parameters. The most important are: immersion time, basket size, spin speed, spin time and load, and viscosity of the paint. There are also other parameters that affect this process. These depend on the coating technique, such as pivoting the spinner unit and / or directional change, which can lead to quality improvement.

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