Benefits for DÖRKEN employees

Innovative, fair, familiar and transparent – these words describe us well. DÖRKEN combines the advantages of a family company with the benefits of an innovative and international orientation. Every employee at our company is given a large amount of freedom to explore new ideas and become immersed with their tasks and responsibilities. Team work is taken as a given in our working environment, and it’s an important cornerstone of our success.

Holiday leave and pension plan

As an employee of DÖRKEN, you are entitled to 30 days of holiday leave per year. We also pay a fixed holiday bonus once a year.
We are also happy to inform you on subsidised company pension plans, which offer you additional assurance above and beyond the statutory pension at particularly favourable conditions.

DÖRKEN Mitarbeiter in einer Besprechung

Work-life balance

People take centre stage at DÖRKEN. The outstanding achievements of our employees would not be possible without a healthy work-life balance. That is why we offer working hours that leave enough time for your family. If necessary, various part-time models give you the freedom to look after children or family members in need of care.

Our employees do not have to hide their family responsibilities. Rather, they can integrate them naturally in their professional lives as required. For instance, there is a parent-child room on the factory premises in Herdecke, which can also be used as a breastfeeding room.

Our cooperation with BUK Family Service allows us to offer these services, whose expert team supports our employees with advice and organisation services. Among other things, we offer the summer DÖRKEN Holiday Camp for 3- to 12-year olds in cooperation with BUK GmbH. It also provides support on the topics of childcare and caring for relatives.

Reside and live

We will be happy to help you find an apartment or look for the right childcare facility. The Herdecke metropolitan area is home to twelve childcare facilities, two of which are right beside our factory premises on Wetterstraße. Good choice of schools, from primary schools and secondary schools to Rudolf Steiner schools, can be found not only in Herdecke, but also in the neighbouring city of Hagen.


Ihr Vorteil: Vereinigung von Job und Familie

Health in the workplace

Health is our most valuable possession, and we have to protect it: Company health promotion measures are a high priority at DÖRKEN. Our occupational health specialist regularly offers free blood pressure measurements or blood analyses on the company premises in Herdecke, and can refer you to local medical specialists if required. We also bear the costs for many medical check-ups.
We also have confidential contacts to provide advice and support for those suffering from addictions or debt.

Getting active together

‘Team fitness’ is the name of the programme comprising back exercise classes, cardio fitness and many other sporting activities, which we offer in rooms on our factory premises in Herdecke.
Other sports activities offered by DÖRKEN include badminton, beach volleyball, football, jogging, Nordic walking, pilates, qi­gong, cycling, rowing, swimming, spin classes and tennis. Taking part in competitions together is always a lot of fun! 

Betriebssport bei DÖRKEN


As a new employee, you will be given a detailed introduction to our entire company. Introductory meetings with various contacts will help you get an insight into all areas of the company. We also provide instruction on the processes and tools used by DÖRKEN and support you with a specialised interdisciplinary onboarding schedule.


DÖRKEN offers perspectives. We offer every employee broad development opportunities. We organise continuing professional development at all levels and in all areas, e.g. via internal and external seminars with professional providers, trainers and coaches. We foster both professional and personal development.

Weiterbildung bei DÖRKEN

We are ready! Are you?

Want a job in a family-run company group that offers you scope for development and fulfilment? Send us your applications! 


Do you have any further questions? Our employees from the HR department will be happy to help you.

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