Foundation wall protection accessories DELTA®-MS KNOPF (KNOB)

Secure fastening aid for DELTA®-MS and DELTA®-PT. The product DELTA®-MS KNOPF (Knob) reduces the risk of tearing out and on in the area of fastenings with steel nails and screws by enabling the use of weft bolts.

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  • Optimised load distribution
    The product DELTA®-MS KNOPF (Knob) optimises the load distribution in the area of fastenings of the dimpled sheet with steel nails, screws, and bolts by consequently reducing the risk of tearing out and on.
  • More even contact of the dimpled sheets on the substrate
    By attaching the dimpled sheet to the substrate in the area of the knobs resting on it, a more even contact of the sheet on the substrate with less wave formation will be feasible.


The product DELTA®-MS KNOPF is used when attaching the dimpled sheet DELTA®-MS for example used with different types of shoring or basement renovations with the dimpled sheet DELTA®-PT.

Technical data

Packaging 10 bags of 100 pieces/box


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