Construction paints and varnishes Waterbased|fassadenfarbe LUCITE® WOODPRIMER PLUS

Primer coating on wood with outstanding insulating and barrier effect against water-soluble wood constituents before the use of aqueous or solvent-based single-component final coatings.  LUCITE® Woodprimer plus achieves excellent insulation especially on woods such as oak, mahogany, spruce, etc. (see BFS Leaflet no. 18) For application indoors and outdoors.


  • Aqueous wood insulating primer coating on cationic binder basis
  • Insulates against water-soluble wood constituents
  • Can be used universally with aqueous and solvent-based final coatings
  • Fast complete hardening
  • Flows very well and is easy to work
  • Excellent adhesion
  • Inside and outside

Technical data

Consumption 110 - 130 ml/m²
Colour tones white
Packaging Sizes Ready 2,5 L / 12 L



smallRetina 01:33:58 mediumAlias 01:33:58 large 01:33:58 xlarge 01:33:58

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