Adhesive program DELTA®-BAND

UV-resistant sealing tape made of bitumen/rubber with high adhesive strength.

Available in five different widths and with an aluminium or lead-coloured top layer.

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DELTA®-BAND is suitable for repairs of existing sealings such as gutters - and to repair small cracks in canvas and similar things.

Prime (DELTA®-THENE Grundanstrich) porous substrates first and let dry completely.

Technical data

Material Self-adhesive sealing tape made from a bitumen/rubber composition with an aluminium or lead-coloured top layer.
Application temperature From + 5°C to + 35°C ambient and component temperature
Functional temperature range From -40 °C to +80 °C
Roll width 50, 75, 100, 150, 300 mm
Roll length 10 m


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