Architects and planners need to function as competent contacts for both clients and contractors in all issues regarding the construction project. A task that is highly complex and not always easy to fulfil. At DÖRKEN we support you with our expertise and problem-solving competence. We offer you specialist information on specific application scenarios in the areas of pitched roofs, flat roofs, façades and foundation wall protection, processed for planning, tendering and documentation and rendered concise. Discover Expertise!
Roof greening not only looks attractive, it also offers numerous structural-physical and ecological advantages. But regardless of whether the roof greening is intensive or extensive: a capable drainage system is always essential. Intensively greened roof areas also require additional water storage for extended dry periods.
In the case of suspended façade cladding, the insulation behind it and its supporting structure need to be safely protected from weather impact. This applies in particular for façade cladding with open joints. A high-performance façade sheeting is required here.
Our sales service and application engineers can be contacted at the following e-mail address and telephone number:
T +49 2330 63 636
We look forward to hearing from you!