Construction paints and varnishes Waterbased LUCITE® 192 2K-PUR XTREM MATT

Decorative scratch-resistant two-component coloured polyurethane varnish indicated for applications on surfaces exposed to intense mechanical wear. Ideal for intensely used areas and fields of application such as kindergarten, schools, kitchens, cold stores, storage rooms, canteens and restaurants, private bathrooms, hospitals and nursing homes. The compact and dense surface guarantees a good resistance against household detergents and acqueous or alcoholic disinfectants. In addition, the surface is resistant against dirt, grease and hand sweat. LUCITE® 192 2K-PUR Xtrem Matt is perfect for use both in interiors and exteriors.

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    LUCITE® 192 2K-PUR Xtrem Matt


  • excellent adhesion property on closed compact non-absorbent surfaces, protection from mechanical wear/damage
  • very high resistance to detergents and disinfectants
  • direct adhesion on rigid PVC (for example on plastic windows and doors)
  • decontaminable, suitable for use in medical structures, for example for the renovation of tiles (certificate available)
  • hand sweat and chemical resistance
  • Direction adhesion to rigid PVC.
  • As easy and quick to apply as a 1C enamel
  • Almost odourless
  • Very good chemical resistance
  • Water-dilutable
  • Matt

Technical data

Consumption 130 - 150 ml/m²
Colour tones white
Packaging Sizes 2K 0.90 L Basecoat + 0.10 L Hardener / 2.25 L Basecoat + 0.25 L Hardener



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