Interior wall paint LUCITE® 462 CLASSIC

Abrasion resistant paint for interiors with very good application properties, particularly suitable for economical high-quality applications on walls and ceilings, in particular on woodchip wallpaper.

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    LUCITE® 462 Classic


  • excellent covering capacity, covering capacity class 1 with 6 m2/l (depending on the colour)
  • abrasion resistant according to DIN EN 13300
  • slightly filling/levels out woodchip wallpaper joints
  • water-vapour permeable
  • minimized emissions, free from solvents and plasticisers
  • slightly filling, levels woodchip joints
  • high-quality surface finish

Technical data

Consumption 130 - 150 ml/m²
Packaging Sizes Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L / 5 L / 12 L
Packaging Sizes MIX 1,0 L / 2,5 L / 5 L / 12 L



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