Purchasing at DÖRKEN

We buy things of value

Our purchasing activities cover everything needed for the manufacture of high-quality products. This includes, for example, raw materials, semi-finished products, services or logistics. The focus is on security of supply, competitiveness and quality to the highest standards, following our ethical, ecological, social and economic principles.

Sustainability in purchasing

DÖRKEN is committed to ecologically and socially responsible corporate management. We expect the same behavior from all our suppliers and thus not only keep an eye on our suppliers, their products and services, but also on the entire supply chain.

In addition to complying with our Supplier Code of Conduct, we expect our suppliers to deal with the area of sustainability in an independent and dutiful manner. Since 2020, DÖRKEN has been using the external service provider EcoVadis to verify these values both with our suppliers and with ourselves. Our strategically important suppliers must have an EcoVadis rating of at least 45 out of 100 points ("Good" rating) or a comparable result from a sustainability audit. The suppliers concerned are selected on the basis of their strategic importance and the sustainability risk assessment, in which country and category risk are evaluated.

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Digitization in purchasing

In the course of digitization, we have been offering our suppliers electronic invoice transmission via PDF since 2015. In addition to cost savings, this more environmentally friendly transmission ensures faster transmission and optimizes processing time.
Please get in touch with your contact person in Purchasing and we will activate your account.

Since 2020, over 80 percent of our international purchasing volume has been processed and digitized via the Jaggaer supplier platform. The use of Jaggaer provides a platform for more transparency, flexibility and faster exchange between suppliers and purchasing, thus enabling more resource-efficient purchasing processes.


We are happy to provide you with general information on packaging, the storage of articles and the delivery conditions for suppliers. You can find these in our logistics manual.

More useful information

Here you will find everything that is important for you at a click.

Do you have any other questions?

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