Interior wall paint LUCITE® 408 MULTIRESIST PRO

Dull matt preservative-free paint with a good flow indicated for interior walls and ceilings, virus, bacteria and mould resistant. Ideal for applications in sensitive areas with high bacterial and moisture load and food processing companies.

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    LUCITE® 408 MultiResist Pro


  • virus, bacteria and mould resistant (test certificate available)
  • free from solvents, plasticisers, preservatives and fogging-active substances
  • approved as wall paint for use in food processing companies
  • resistant to disinfectants according to DIN ISO 2812-1
  • resistant to non-enveloped viruses according to ISO 181842014-09, test certificate available
  • resistance to non-enveloped viruses under ISO: 181842014-09 with certificate
  • hypo-allergenic
  • not corrosive, in contrast to silicate systems
  • very easy to apply
  • scrub-resistant
  • Environmentally friendly / odorless drying
  • water-dilutable

Technical data

Consumption 130 - 150 ml/m²
Packaging Sizes Ready 2,5 L / 5 L / 12 L
Packaging Sizes MIX 2,5 L / 5 L / 12 L



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