Tarpaulins and Covers DELTA®-FOL L

Light protective and cover film that is particularly made for emergency glazing and for areas of application where light transparency is important.

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  • Transparency
    High light transmission, unadulterated colours.
  • Reinforcement of the grid
    Thanks to the reinforcement of the grid, DELTA®-FOL L offers a higher tear resistance.
  • Easy to handle
    Cut with scissors or cutter knife, fix it depending on the surface with nails, screws, or clamps with suitable profiles/battens.


DELTA®-FOL L can be used as temporary weather protection for windows and door openings etc. in new buildings or for renovations.

Technical data

Material Lattice-reinforced PE film
Tensile strength approx. 150 N/5 cm
Watertightness from -40 °C to +80 °C
Weight approx. 120 g/m²
Roll size 50 x 1,50 m, 50 x 2,00 m


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Would you like information on detailed product properties, use cases or other technical topics?
Then feel free to contact our application department on +49 2330 63 578 or atabvf@doerken.de.

Do you have questions about prices, availability or the status of your order?
Our sales service will help you with these matters on +49 2330 63 636 or membranes@doerken.de.