Construction paints and varnishes Waterbased CWS WERTLACK® AIRLESS FILLER AQUA

CWS WERTLACK® AirlessFiller Aqua PU forms the safe foundation for water-based and aromatic-free coating systems on wood and wood-based materials. Can also be used on metals, non-ferrous metals, plastics and old coatings after appropriate priming. Particularly suitable for efficient and uncomplicated coating of components in larger quantities (doors, door frames, room dividers, etc.) using the airless spraying process.

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    CWS WERTLACK® Airless Filler Aqua


  • Excellent, full-bodied flow
  • No run-off due to very high stability (up to 400 μm)
  • Perfect coverage (depending on the layer thickness)
  • Excellent sanding properties
  • Can be recoated with water-based and solvent-based lacquers
  • Environmentally friendly and odorless
  • Lead and chromate-free according to DIN 55944

Technical data

Consumption ml/m²
Colour tones white
Packaging Sizes Ready 5 L / 12 L



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