Adhesive tape DELTA®-FLEXX-BAND FG 80/150

Adhesive tape for sealing the most difficult, three-dimensional details inside and outside, such as for example corners, edges, and openings.

The DELTA®-FLEXX-BAND FG 80/150 is an extremely stretchable cold-welded butyl rubber adhesive on a PE film which is highly stretchable in longitudinal and transverse directions.

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    smallRetina 05:40:13
    Abdichten einer Kabeldurchführung mit DELTA®-FLEXX BAND FG 80 / FG 150
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    DELTA®-FLEXX BAND FG80 / FG150 in der Anwendung
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    DELTA®-FLEXX BAND FG80/ FG150 in der Anwendung
    smallRetina 05:40:13
    Eckausbildung mit DELTA®-FLEXX BAND FG 80 / FG 150
    smallRetina 05:40:13
    Abdichtung eines Kabeldurchbruchs mit DELTA®-FLEXX BAND FG 80 / FG 150


  • Safe and uncomplicated detail development
    The product DELTA®-FLEXX-BAND FG 80/150 enables a safe and uncomplicated detail development in almost all areas of application.
  • Easy handling
    Thanks to the finger lift and the split liner on the rear side the processing of the adhesive tape will be facilitated.


As a system component, DELTA®-FLEXX-BAND FG 80/150 reliably sticks and seals DELTA® roofing membranes, DELTA® air and vapour barriers and DELTA®-THENE. The product can be used on comparable membranes manufactured by other constructors.

Exceptional adhesion to metals, plastics, masonry, concrete, and wood (if needed, surface preparation)

The following application video shows a pipe edging with DELTA®-FLEXX-BAND FG 150:

Technical data

Thickness approx. 2 mm
Dimensions 6 m × 80 mm, 10 m × 150 mm


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Would you like information on detailed product properties, use cases or other technical topics?
Then feel free to contact our application department on +49 2330 63 578 or

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