Construction paints and varnishes Solvend-based CWS WERTLACK® MALERVORLACK

Primer and undercoat as undercoat on all load-bearing old coatings, wood, such as windows and doors and wood-based materials without surface release agents after appropriate pretreatment. Due to its very good flow properties, it is optimally suited for recoating with CWS WERTLACK® top coats.

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    CWS WERTLACK® Malervorlack


  • Excellent filling and covering properties
  • Excellent progression
  • Very good sanding properties
  • High stability, therefore low to no runner inclination
  • Very good edge coverage
  • Mild odor
  • Matt surface

Technical data

Consumption 100 - 120 ml/m²
Colour tones white
Packaging Sizes Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L



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Do you have further questions about product features, applications or availability, the status of your order or would you like to contact the DÖRKEN color Service?

We are happy to help you! Contact our service phone at +49 2330 63 243 or send us an email at