Sealing accessories DELTA®-THENE GRUND INSIDE

Water-based special adhesive on pure acrylate-base with high penetration effect, matched to DELTA®-THENE
For indoor use on absorbent mineral surfaces such as concrete, masonry or plaster.

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    DELTA®-THENE-GRUND-INSIDE in der Anwendung
    smallRetina 08:11:53
    DELTA®-THENE-GRUND-INSIDE in der Anwendung


  • Bitumen and solvent-free
  • Set ready for use
  • Suitable for interiors because it is water based
  • Minimized emissions
  • Sets quickly, closes pores and binds dust
  • For absorbent mineral surfaces such as concrete, masonry, plaster
  • Bitumen compatible
  • High coverage - consumption approx. 70 ml/m²
  • Paintable and sprayable
  • All requirements of DIN 18533 and DIN 18534 as well as the VOC directive met.


DELTA®-THENE GRUND INSIDE can be applied indoors and must be stirred thoroughly before processing.
Processing temperature at least +8°C. Apply evenly with a brush, brush, roller, or spray device.
Drying time approx. 2-4 hours at 20°C and 65% relative humidity.
The surface on which applied must be stable, clean, dry and free from grease, frost, dirt, efflorescence, discolouration, fungal attack, sintered layers, flour grain and separating substances. Check existing coatings for suitability.

Technical data

Material Pure acrylic base, water-based
Colour Blue transparent
Working temperature at least 8°C
Processing Brush or spray
Setting time approx. 2 - 4 hours (at 20°C and 65% relative humidity)
Material usage approx. 70 ml/m² depending on the substrate
Storage Store in frost-free conditions. Unopened containers are durable for 36 months when storage properly.
Packaging 10 litres per bucket



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