Construction paints and varnishes Waterbased CWS WERTLACK® 2K-DURAGRUND

Water-thinnable 2-component universal primer for rigid, non-absorbent substrates, for interior and exterior use.

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    CWS WERTLACK® 2K DuraGrund


  • Excellent adhesion to critical, non-absorbent, rigid substrates
  • Can be universally recoated with 1K and 2K water-based and solvent-based top coats
  • Active corrosion protection on derusted iron, steel and zinc surfaces
  • Particularly smooth flow for subsequent coatings
  • Fast drying, two work steps possible in one day
  • Very good, lacquer-like processing properties
  • Odorless

Technical data

Consumption 100 - 120 ml/m²
Colour tones white / RAL 7015 Slate grey
Packaging Sizes 2K 0.51 L Basecoat + 0.49 L Hardener / 1.02 L Basecoat + 0.98 L Hardener / 2.30 L Basecoat + 2.20 L Hardener



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