Air and vapour barrier DELTA®-DAWI GP

Air and vapor barrier made of special polyethylene with an Sd value of approx. 100 m.

In connection with the system accessories, DELTA®-DAWI GP can also be processed securely airtight with all overlaps and connections.

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    DELTA®-DAWI GP in der Anwendung
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    DELTA®-DAWI GP in der Anwendung


  • Fast processing
    The dimensions of DELTA®-DAWI GP ensure fast and efficient processing.
  • Adhesive-friendly surface
    Thanks to the special selection of raw materials, DELTA®-DAWI GP has a particularly adhesive-friendly surface.


DELTA®-DAWI GP is attached in the overlapping area with the DELTA®-MULTI-BAND. On gable walls, purlins, chimneys, etc., the film is connected airtight to smooth surfaces with the cartridge adhesive DELTA®-TIXX and/or with DELTA®-TIXX VDR or the functional coating DELTA®-LIQUIXX.
The membrane can be laid parallel or across the rafters. Easy attachment with staples or wide-headed nails. The attachment points must be taped or covered with pressure laths.

Technical data

Material Functionally reliable film made of special polyethylene.
Reaction to fire Fire class E, EN 13501-1
Sd-value approx. 100 m
Servicetemperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C
Weight approx. 180 g/m²
Roll weight approx. 18 kg
Roll size 4 m x 25 m, 2 m x 50 m




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