Construction paints and varnishes Waterbased CWS WERTLACK® DUOTOP AQUA SATIN

For high-quality and efficient coatings on wood substrates, wood-based materials, rigid PVC, aluminum and zinc in a 2-coat system with direct adhesion. Ideal for reworking old coatings; can be used without additional primer. Exterior components: roof soffits, facade cladding, window and door frames, railings, downpipes, garage doors, etc.. Interior components: e.g. interior doors, windows, wall and ceiling panels, stucco profiles and baseboards.

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    CWS WERTLACK® DuoTop Aqua satin


  • 2-coat lacquer with direct adhesion
  • One-pot system for priming and top coating
  • Excellent UV and weather resistance
  • Insulating against brown discoloring wood ingredients
  • High edge coverage with wet layer thicknesses of up to 200 μm per pass
  • Excellent flow for fine surfaces
  • Brilliant white and stable white
  • Block party
  • Suitable for toys according to DIN EN 71, part 3
  • Environmentally friendly and odorless
  • Lead and chromate-free according to DIN 55944

Technical data

Consumption 120 - 140 ml/m²
Colour tones white
Packaging Sizes Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L
Packaging Sizes MIX 1,0 L / 2,5 L



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Do you have further questions about product features, applications or availability, the status of your order or would you like to contact the DÖRKEN color Service?

We are happy to help you! Contact our service phone at +49 2330 63 243 or send us an email at