Construction paints and varnishes Waterbased LUCITE® 166 THERMGLOSS

Indicated for the renovation and varnishing of pipes and radiators. Odourless non-yellowing finishing coat for surfaces, easy to clean. LUCITE® 166 ThermGloss is perfect for use in interiors.

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    LUCITE® 166 ThermGloss


  • finishing coat for vapour and hot-water radiators, resistant to temperatures up to 120° C
  • prevents rust from bleeding through (rust inhibiting, no active corrosion protection)
  • high covering capacity and stability, safe also on edges
  • very smooth flow, not-yellowing
  • environmental-friendly, free from VOC and SVOC
  • Light processing
  • Lead and chromate free according to DIN 55944
  • High hiding power

Technical data

Consumption 120 ml/m²
Colour tones white
Packaging Sizes Ready 1,0 L / 2,5 L



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