Facade paint LUCITE® 012 SILICO FIX

Special solvent-free water-repellent deep penetrating primer with hydrophobic effect which equalises roughly porous, absorbent and lightly sanding types of plaster or sand-lime bricks before the application of LUCITE® silicone resin paints. When painting old coats of dispersion paints 10% of the product can be added, for example to LUCITE® 844 SilicoTec.

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    LUCITE® 012 Silico Fix


  • good penetration capacity
  • strengthening effect on sanding surfaces
  • enhances the water-repellent effect of the following coat without reducing the high water-vapour permeability
  • water-dilutable and solvent-free
  • nearly odourless and water-repellent

Technical data

Consumption 120 - 200 ml/m²
Colour tones transparent
Packaging Sizes Ready 10 L



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Do you have further questions about product features, applications or availability, the status of your order or would you like to contact the DÖRKEN color Service?

We are happy to help you! Contact our service phone at +49 2330 63 243 or send us an email at coatings@doerken.de.