Facade paint|dachbeschichtung LUCITE® 090 ALGIZID PLUS

Additive which allows an additional algicidal / fungicidal protection to dispersion paints on site. Adding LUCITE® 090 Algizid plus considerably delays new infestation on the surfaces under the same basic conditions. LUCITE® 090 Algizid plus can be added to all products suitable for the application in exteriors like for example LUCITE® 800 House-Paint, LUCITE® 806 RoofCoat, LUCITE® 152 Wetterschutz etc. In addition, the product can be added to LUCITE® hybrid varnishes like LUCITE® 126 SatinColor and LUCITE® 164 Venti 3in1 Aqua etc. in order to achieve a long-lasting protection of those parts of the building particularly at risk like for example roof eaves or construction elements exposed to extreme weathering.

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    LUCITE® 090 Algizid plus


  • offers a very broad range of applications against microbiological infestation
  • very easy to add - it is recommended to add 2% of the product
  • offers long-term protection, in particular against tenacious microorganisms, also under extreme climate conditions
  • additive for the additional protection on site of LUCITE® façade paints and varnishes used in exteriors
  • Can be used and finished with the following products: LUCITE® House-Paint, LUCITE® Silico Tec, LUCITE® SilicoTherm, LUCITE® 152 Weather Protection, LUCITE® Roofcoat, LUCITE® SatinColor and LUCITE® VentiSatin.

Technical data

Consumption ml/m²
Colour tones transparent
Packaging Sizes Ready 0,25 L



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Do you have further questions about product features, applications or availability, the status of your order or would you like to contact the DÖRKEN color Service?

We are happy to help you! Contact our service phone at +49 2330 63 243 or send us an email at coatings@doerken.de.