Interior wall paint LUCITE® 464 SAMTLATEX

Satin matt latex dispersion paint which maintains the original structure of the surface indicated for surfaces exposed to high wear in all sensitive aereas (for example in surgeries, restaurants, schools etc.).

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    LUCITE® 464 Samtlatex


  • very easy to clean, tested resistance to disinfectants
  • minimized emissions, free from solvents and plasticisers
  • harmless for indoor air-hygiene
  • maintains the original structure of the surface, water-vapour permeable
  • free from fogging-active substances
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Low odor
  • Diffusible
  • Good hiding power

Technical data

Consumption 130 - 150 ml/m²
Packaging Sizes Ready 2,5 L / 5 L / 12 L
Packaging Sizes MIX 2,5 L / 5 L / 12 L



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