Ridge and arris roll DELTA®-ALU ROLL

Ridge and arris roll made of continuous, highly tear-resistant aluminium with a high ventilation cross-section of approx. 220 cm²/m. Enamelled on both sides.

    smallRetina 07:08:00
    DELTA®-ALU ROLL Anwendung am Grat
    smallRetina 07:08:00
    DELTA®-ALU ROLL Anwendung am Grat
    smallRetina 07:08:00
    DELTA®-ALU ROLL in der Anwendung als Gratrolle
    smallRetina 07:08:00
    DELTA®-ALU ROLL Rollen


  • Long-term corrosion resistance
    The resistance of the used metals has been tested under conditions according to VDA 621 and ensures long-term ventilation function.
  • High ventilation cross-section
    The high ventilation cross-section of approx. 220cm²/m ensures the ventilation of the area below the roof covering in accordance with professional roofer rules.
  • Two colours, one role
    Coated on both sides in black and brown.


DELTA®-ALU ROLL can be easily aligned and attached thanks to the product name printed on it. It can be ideally adapted to the covering material thanks to the high material expansion in the edge strips.

The ridge and hip roll can be applied in just a few steps:

  • Selection of the roll width depending on the profile of the covering material.
  • The surface must be dry and dust-free. (For old roof tiles/concrete roof tiles, prime with DELTA®-HF PRIMER if necessary)
  • Roll out DELTA®-ALU ROLL and attach to the arris/ridge battens.
  • Peel off the separating strip and press the adhesive strip on.

Cover the arris/ridge tiles. Done!

Technical data

Field of Application For a safe connection between roof tiles and roof stones when covering.
Ventilation air gap approx. 220 cm²/m
Servicetemperature range from -30 °C to +80 °C
Application temperature from +5 °C to +40 °C
Material Highly tear-resistant aluminium, coated on both sides and stove-enamelled. Butyl adhesive strips on both edges.
Stretchability margin by pleating approx. 30%
Substrate condition Load-bearing, dry, free of grease, frost and dust
Roll width 300 mm, 380 mm
Roll length 5 m
Packaging 4 rolls
Colours black, red


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Would you like information on detailed product properties, use cases or other technical topics?
Then feel free to contact our application department on +49 2330 63 578 or atabvf@doerken.de.

Do you have questions about prices, availability or the status of your order?
Our sales service will help you with these matters on +49 2330 63 636 or membranes@doerken.de.