Damp-proof course accessories DELTA®-MWSP CLIP

Fastening clip for L-shaped barriers in double-skinned facing masonry.


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    DELTA®-MWSP Clip in der Anwendung
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  • Penetration-free fastening
    The DELTA®-MWSP clip is fastened flush to the wall before laying the damp-proof course  and the damp-proof course is then clamped into the clips from below. There are no perforation holes in the barrier membrane and the risk of tearing is minimized.


Fastening of damp-proof courses as an L-barrier on the back masonry.

The required height is marked with a string and the DELTA®-MWSP clips are attached to this marking with suitable nail plugs at a distance of 0.5 m - 0.7 m. Then the damp-proof course is pushed from below into the opening of the clip and fixed in place.

Technical data

Material Steel wire with zinc-aluminium coating
Quantity requirement approx. 2 St/m
Packaging 100 pieces / box


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