The walls and ceilings in the reception area were coated with Lucite® Pure Finish silicone-reinforced interior dispersion in the color white.

Joint practice with an immaculate appearance

A medical specialist centre was recently established in a central location in Neustadt an der Weinstraße. The radiology practice of Betsch & Georg & Neugebauer & Wagner has also moved into the attractive new building. The spacious rooms with their modern style are inviting, bright and welcoming, not least thanks to the premium wall and ceiling paints from Dörken.

Location Neustadt an der Weinstraße
Country Germany
Type of building Commercial object
State of building New building
Coating materials used Varnishing system, Dispersion paint for the interior
Surfaces Wood, Plaster
Executing painting company Malerbetrieb Frank Kadel, Mozartstraße 21, 67365 Schwegenheim
Contact Phone: 06344 9690744
Specialist retailer MEGA eG
Products used LUCITE® Flowcoat 2.0, LUCITE® HVLP 2in1 Satin, LUCITE® PureFinish
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Die im Wartebereich eingesetzte dunkle Innenwandfarbe Lucite® Flowcoat 2.0 sorgt für einen optischen Akzent und verhindert dank ihrer harten Oberfläche ungewünschte Schreibeffekte.

Resistant interior wall paint with an immaculate appearance.

The new joint practice stands out with a harmonious concept with a clear, minimalist colour scheme, high-quality furniture and an individual lighting concept tailored precisely to the rooms. When it came to the design of the wall and ceiling surfaces of the new building there was a need for a paint solution to match the interior design and the requirements of a medical practice. Peter Hesselschwerdt, Sales Advisor at Dörken, explains: “In areas with heavy footfall such as the waiting room and the treatment rooms in particular the chosen coating needed to be especially resistant to grime and mechanical damage. In addition, the paint – in keeping with the minimalist and clean appearance – was to have an immaculate, dull matt look.” Finally, the daylight situation was also to be taken into account in the large, open and bright practice. As daylight enters the rooms continuously, a coating was required that would prevent unwanted streaks of light.

Light walls that withstand light streaking

Prior to painting, the surfaces – both plaster and drywall – were sanded by the experts from Malerbetrieb Frank Kadel (Schwegenheim) and coated with primer. In the plastered areas a coating material was then immersed in the Lucite® paint before being painted “wet-in-wet”. In the final step the final coat was added with the silicon-reinforced interior dispersion Lucite® Pure Finish in the colour white. The universal and very thin-filmed interior silicon resin paint enables a dull matt finish and is ideal for surfaces that are exposed to high levels of streaking light - for a seamless, non-running and even appearance. Peter Hesselschwerdt: “In a doctor’s surgery the ability to clean easily is also very important, as well as resistance to disinfectant – this is also provided by the paint provided.”

Dark walls make for a harmonious contrast

To create a harmonious contrast within the surgery and set optical accents, the idea was to coat selected walls with dark paint. It was particularly important here to avoid the emergence of visible lighter marks on the paint as a result of mechanical stress. The choice therefore fell on the solvent and plasticiser-free interior wall paint Lucite® Flowcoat 2.0. This fine, hybrid interior coating has a particularly hard surface, thus preventing marking. At the same time, it is highly resistant to grime and therefore ideally suited for rooms that are subjected to heavy use.

Finally, the door frames in the surgery were painted with a high-performance system from Dörken: the silk gloss acrylate water-based paint Lucite® HVLP 2in1 Satin. Peter Hesselschwerdt: “The low-pressure spraying system is base coat and top coat in one and offers the advantage of minimal splashing and misting without the need for priming. This was especially important as the floors had already been laid and the walls painted.”

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Bei der Beschichtungen der Türzargen kam der Seidenglanz-Acrylat-Wasserlack Lucite® HVLP 2in1 Satin zum Einsatz - dieser bietet Grundierung und Decklack in einem.